Managing field services, repairs and job cards in Orax SDI is simple and efficient. Distributed and on the road teams can collaborate to effectively improve service delivery and customer loyalty.
Technicians receive and log their activities on their phones while on the road or in the workshop. Team leaders are able to respond to new customer requests by creating and assigning new job cards directly to technicians in the field.
Visualise field service locations on a map to optimise routing and scheduling and allow customers to sign off on jobs directly on the technician's phone.
In addition to reactive service delivery and repairs the Orax SDI job card module allows for recurring proactive service contract management. This means that once configured the system will automatically create job cards and notifications to ensure that service schedules are managed effectively and efficiently.
Using powerful service analytics you are able to manage parts availability and optimisation in the service workflow.
Retain a serial number based record of historic maintenance on equipment to ensure that past records are not lost and that the technician has a complete service history of the serviceable item.
The Orax SDI Job Cards module is an effective solution for repairs management and field service.
Orax SDI. Making special companies. Spectacular!